As illustrated here 90 percent of heat loss in a body of water is do to: Evaporation (70) % and to Radiation to the sky (20) %
Liquid Solar Cover may be a good choice in commercial applications where a hard cover is not allowed or in a residential setting when the customer would prefer not to wrestle with a hard cover any longer. Using liquid solar cover is very easy just add a few ounces once or twice a day of liquid solar cover to your pool that's it. There is also a optional feeder pump to add liquid solar cover automatically.
Average Day Average Max Water Loss Daily Net
Cover Type Temp Night Temp Tamp Overnight Results
No Cover 92 55 76 12 Degrees F 6 Deg. Loss
Hard Cover 92 55 84 4 Degrees F 8 Deg. Gain
Liquid Cover 92 55 82 6 Degrees F 6 Deg. Gain
Liquid Cover 92 55 83 5 Degrees F 7 Deg. Gain
Twice a Day
Spa Plus
Swimming Pool Heat Loss
Liquid Solar Cover
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